5 best ways to study and assimilate well

Thursday 28 September 2017

Studying while in school is a great way to
attain or achieve success in your
academics. Studying requires a great
amount of effort and time. Even if you
practice it for days, weeks or a month,
the result won't be productive if your
brain isn’t performing well. Still, there are
fairly easy ways you can apply to improve
quickly and effectively.
If you're having trouble with studying I’m
going to show you a huge list of
techniques and tips to help you attain this
goal and of course to maintain it as time
goes by. Many student find it hard to
study this is because they waste there
time on irrelevant things, and are less
motivated to study. The only time they
study is a day before there exams that's
why there results Keep on worsening.
Even if studying may seem boring, you
have to never (NEVER) give up on
studying. Studying has never been the
most exciting aspects of school but
When you focus your thought in it , you
increase its strength".
With a sense of determination, and by
implementing some effective study
techniques, even the dullest subjects can
be conquered. Keep reading to learn how
to study as a student.
1. Choose a good place for your studies:
While studying it is very important to
choose a good place.Find a calm area,
such as a study room, a
library, or even an empty class where
lessons are finished; if you prefer to
study outdoors, try to find a place where
no distractions are present. Try to stay
away from any environment where people
that will distract you its so you can
concentrate on your work. Learn to be
calmly concentrated and be
concentratedly calm.
2. Make a study Timetable or plan:
Arrange a schedule for study time, Make
a weekly plan of your study sessions, with
specific subjects to study each day. This
allows you to build studying time into a
habit, making you more likely to follow
through on studying. After few weeks
probably months you will adapt to the
schedule, and you will know exactly what
to study, time to spend studying and
when to study every day of the week.
Scheduling your studies will also make
your life easier because managing your
time wisely through the week won't be a
problem, you will have a clear vision of
the time you can spend on activities
different from studying.
3. Keep away smartphones:
Don’t allow your smartphone distract you.
In order for you to not be distracted, it is
advice able to Turn off your smartphone.
This could serve as a huge source of
distraction when you’re trying to study .
Don’t text chat with your friends or your
partner while you are studying, switch off
your phone and switch it on only when
you are taking a break or when you are
4. Get materials for studying:
While studying, all your materials should
be within arm's reach so you don’t
distract yourself by going to search for
maerials. Your studying materials should
include things like notes books,
textbooks, study guides, papers, pen,
pencils or anything else you might need
to concentrate and be productive while
studying, Clean the things that are not
related with what you have to study off
your desk; this will avoid unwanted
4. Try to Meditate:
Before starting your studies must do
atleast one practice called meditation.
Meditation is the most
powerful of all studying enhancement
techniques, this teaches you to focus
your mind on one thing at a time.
Actually, when we try to meditate, it is
concentration that is the first thing we
need to master.
5. Stay calm and study:
Before studying a topic, research what
are the most frequently asked questions
for that subject. Start
with 15-20 questions regarding the entire
content; target the most important
aspects and focus your
brain on the primary characteristics.
Moreover, since these issues are the
most demanded, they are
more likely to be requested during an
examination session. You have then the
chance to give a positive response in the
exam because you knew that those
issues would have emerged! start from
the most frequently asked questions to
study something that may be hard to
study. This process will simplify the
subjects you are trying to study (so it
helps with focusing) and will feed your
mind with a general overview of the
entire topic.
5. Get a study partner:
Studying with someone will help you
clarify the concepts you did not
understand well, break the normal routine
of studying alone and make a point on a
subject that may be difficult. Your
knowledge together with the knowledge
of your classmates is a great weapon to
beat the burden of studying.
At last, i want to say that if you follow all
this step as a daily routine then i will
promise you your concentration, grades,
marks must be improved.